Back to the starting point, son.

Credits to Alice Sukishima for the color. Drawing by me.
due to the extreme violence and act of idiocy from an amount of people who continue to fight a war that has ended, thus is am taking an immediate action of changing blogs. this blog will be abandoned folks. let it be a memory of the past. it's time to change for the better. take a good long look at this blog because there will be no more Aku Bukan Otaku after this (like hell nobody read this post neways)
but i am not going to stop blogging people. i will close this one, but i will create another one. and before i close this blog, i want you guys to think.
imagine, you finished a very nice drawing. it may not look good but for you, it was a masterpiece. thus, you show em to this 2 friends and ask for their opinion. their opinion is the same, "boleh baiki lagi lukisan ni". but, the way they say it, is different.
A says : Buruk la lukisan ni. Ko ni kurang training.
B says : Boleh tahan. Tapi boleh perbaiki lagi. Training lagi.
imagine if you are in that situation. korang rasa pendapat sape yang lebih baik? knowing how Malaysians would react, i say most Malaysians will choose B over A. that my friend, is the power of WORDS. it may seem simple, but it play a very important role in our society (especially in the society like Malaysians yang suka melatah. true story bro)
Because A words seems harsh, and he said it without considering the feelings of the others, he will be hated by the society. While A, for being sensitive and tactful, will always be the favorite.
word is a very powerful weapon of mass destruction. from words, millions can be killed in a second. you don't need weapon to kill, all you need is word and brain(i assume everyone have this except brainless idiots). just plan your words and you may trigger the third world war son. i don't know what kind of word will trigger the world war, but it might happen, who knows?
so moral of the story ladies and gentlemen, watch your words. wrong use of a word may cause mayhem. don't believe me? TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT THIS BLOG AND YOU WILL SEE. wrong use of words have caused it to be closed. luckily there is no war happening anywhere but imagine if this post DID cause a war. though it's just a war on the net, it's still a war and it have a huge impact to people involved in it.
i will leave this blog. and the new blog, plan to name it Aku Pencinta Anime. i will explain why i choose this name. first, i am too friggin lazy to find a new name for my blog. second, because of the choice of WORDS. remember i mentioned just now about how words may have a huge impact to people? thus after considering a few things, i choose this name. reason? simply because the words seems POSITIVE. lemme tell you something. in this world there is positive and negative things. the same thing goes for words. there are positive words and there are negative words. i give you example of words which have the same meaning, but was presented in different positive-negative mood :
A) "Aku benci la anime XXXXXXXXX tu. Tak best pun" (-ve)
B) "Anime jenis tu bukan genre kegemaran aku la, sorry" (+ve)
B) "Anime jenis tu bukan genre kegemaran aku la, sorry" (+ve)
practically, both are trying to say they dislike the anime. but the latter sound more positive right?
A) "Ape ke bangang nye budak tu. Marah orang tak tentu pasal" (-ve)
B) "Apa agaknya yang tak kene ngan budak tu ek? Dia bad mood kot?" (+ve)
B) "Apa agaknya yang tak kene ngan budak tu ek? Dia bad mood kot?" (+ve)
both is complaining about the behavior of that kid. but B sounds more appropriate isn't it?
A) "Bodoh la ko ni" (-ve)
B) "Kurang bijak la ko ni" (+ve)
both is saying that the kid is slightly... you know. but then B sounds more positive.
A) "Bodoh la ko ni" (-ve)
B) "Kurang bijak la ko ni" (+ve)
both is saying that the kid is slightly... you know. but then B sounds more positive.
and there are many ways of saying things. it's up to us whether to choose positive words or negative words.
let's go back to the main topic. why do i choose this word instead? Aku Pencinta Anime instead of Aku Bukan Otaku? Lemme explain further about the structure of both sentence and how it will be different although the structure of the word is the same.
first aku akan explain why the words Aku Bukan Otaku begitu SUWEYYYYYY sehingga aku terpaksa menutup blog ini. the thing is, the words used here is NEGATIVE. perkataan BUKAN adalah sesuatu yang negatif dan ianya mempunyai efek kepada orang yang membaca ayat tersebut. makanya bolehlah di-conclude-kan bahawa penggunaan perkataan BUKAN di dalam nama blog aku adalah satu jenis kesilapan bodoh aku yang kurang matang lagi tak hensem. (puas hati, haters? wakaka)
kenapa aku berpindah ke nama Aku Pencinta Anime? tak payah aku terangkan panjang lebar pun korang dah faham kan? kerana perkataan CINTA itu POSITIF BERBUNGA-BUNGA. makanya aku berniat dengan adanya perkataan itu, maka orang tidak lagi pesimis dan tidak lagi masuk ke blog aku semata-mata untuk RAEEEEEGGGGGGG sahaja. masuklah ke blog aku kerana content yang menarik, bukan kerana nafsu amarah di bulan puasa. ngerti?
tajuk post ini, Restarting - Re-stating mempunyai makna sendiri. Restarting, ialah kerana aku mahu turn a new leaf a.k.a nak mula hidop baru kepada yang PHAIL English (jangan mare kawan). Re-Stating, ialah kerana aku menarik semula statement aku dahulu iaitu Aku Bukan Otaku. TAPI, aku cuma menarik balik statement itu. di dalam diri aku, aku masih percaya Otaku bukanlah satu gelaran yang patut dibanggakan seperti gelaran Dato' atau Tan Sri. gelaran Sir jauh sekali (kecuali kalau jadi cikgu bahasa inggeris dapat gelaran free. wakakaka) senang cerita, tajuk post ini bermakna, aku mahu memulakan semula segalanya dari bawah. mulia tak niat aku ni? suci tak??
tajuk post ini, Restarting - Re-stating mempunyai makna sendiri. Restarting, ialah kerana aku mahu turn a new leaf a.k.a nak mula hidop baru kepada yang PHAIL English (jangan mare kawan). Re-Stating, ialah kerana aku menarik semula statement aku dahulu iaitu Aku Bukan Otaku. TAPI, aku cuma menarik balik statement itu. di dalam diri aku, aku masih percaya Otaku bukanlah satu gelaran yang patut dibanggakan seperti gelaran Dato' atau Tan Sri. gelaran Sir jauh sekali (kecuali kalau jadi cikgu bahasa inggeris dapat gelaran free. wakakaka) senang cerita, tajuk post ini bermakna, aku mahu memulakan semula segalanya dari bawah. mulia tak niat aku ni? suci tak??
begitulah kisahnya. adapun blog ini hanya akan menjadi satu memori lepas ni. tak de aku nak post apa-apa kat sini dah. segalanya akan pergi ke blog satu lagi. di blog seberang, content blog bakal sama dengan content blog ini yakni PENDAPAT aku mengenai certain issue dan review komik, manga dan anime dalam dan luar negara. samalah cam blog ni. cuma aku akan pastikan blog di seberang sana lebih appropriate, dengan lebih banyak ayat positif dari ayat negatif.
so sayonara people.
check la blog seberang sana.
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